“My Unitarianism” 9/29/25

Our visiting Partner Church minister, Rev. Katalin Szasz-Cserey has served two village congregations in Transylvania – Bozod Korispatak and Firtosmartonos – for 23 years. She also teaches religion in a Unitarian High School in a nearby city. She’ll preach from her tradition on what it means to be a Transylvanian Unitarian. Following the service, all are invited to share in the ceremonial moving of our Memorial Garden. We’ll gather around the current garden, to remember those came before us, then we’ll move some of that soil around the building to the new Memorial Garden. Rev. Szazs-Cserey will help us dedicate the new garden and the Corvallis version of a traditional Transylvanian Szekely Gate we are building there, in honor of our long congregational partnership.
