Worship Review Workshop – 5/3 at 6:30 PM and 5/4 at 9:00 AM.

As the world around us changes, as we have changed and are changing, our understandings of and needs for worship change as well.

More than 10 years ago interested folks gathered for discussion of worship – in general and at the Fellowship. It’s time to touch base again on these important aspects of our congregational life.

All are invited to join in a series of conversations beginning with a two-session workshop on Friday evening May 3 from 6:30 – 8 PM and Saturday morning May 4 from 9 – 11:30 AM, in the Social Hall.

Not merely a survey or collecting of opinions, this project will begin with
conversations, and then include practice and training in the arts of worship. No registration needed. You can attend either or both sessions (they’ll be different).
Join us.