Women’s Retreat 2023: Save the Date (updated)

The UUFC Women’s Retreat 2023 Planning Team asks that you Save The Date of October 13-14 for our upcoming Fall retreat at the UUFC building. Attendees need only identify as women in a way that’s significant to them. Our theme this year is “Mindful Compassion” and our keynote speaker is Jana Svoboda. We will share lunch and dinner on Saturday, and there will be three workshop hours for smaller interactive sessions. 

We look forward to being together again as a sisterhood!

Amy Ayers, Priscilla Galasso, Kris Egan, Ann Marchant, Joyce Marvel-Benoist, Kimi Mayo, Bonnie Morihara, Sharon Seabrook, and Heather Thomas. 

Email: womensretreat@uucorvallis.org