Wheel of the Year: Samhain – From Generation to Generation 10/27/24

The Wheel of the Year arrives at Samhain, which is closely related to Halloween. It is a time for honoring connections between the living and the dead, for telling stories which have lasted for generations. Who are our ancestors – related or not? What did they brave or endure or dream or build? How do their lives affect our own? All are invited to bring a photo or picture of a beloved ancestor – related or not – to help create an altar which honors both the season and those who came before us.
All ages are welcome to come in costume, if Halloween nurtures you in that way.

(The service is not totally intergenerational – children and youth will go to their RE sessions as usual).

Following the service, all are invited to “trick or treat” at tables hosted by Fellowship Justice teams, and to think about which of those areas of Fellowship life you might want to join and work with for the coming year.