Sunday Services
This Week:
“Stories of Christmas” 12/22/24
From the first story – the birth story – have come millennia of stories about the origins of Christmas, the meanings of Christmas, the challenges and questions and problems with Christmas. Of Christmases past and remembered, of Christmases better forgotten.
To be human is to tell stories. What are the stories we can tell about Christmas today? In this service we’ll also welcome new members to the Fellowship, and share in the dedication of children.
With Rev. Jill McAllisterChristmas Eve Candlelight Services, Tuesday, 12/24/24
5:30 PM, Family-Centered Service – A re-telling of the birth story, with songs and candles.
9 PM, A quiet service of readings, carols, anthems and candles.
Services This Month
Dec. 1 “Be Not Afraid” Rev. Jill McAllister
Dec. 8 “Yes, Joy” Committee on Ministry
Dec. 15 “Wintering” UUFC Choir and Readers
Dec. 16 Blue Holiday Vespers Susan Sanford and Rev. Leslie Chartier
Dec. 20 Winter Solstice Service Rev. Jill McAllister
Dec. 22 “Stories of Christmas” Rev. Jill McAllister
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve -two services Rev. Jill McAllister
Dec. 29 Holiday Brunch and Sharing Rev. Jill McAllister and all
From the Minister
Between Us
The feeling that is most with me in the midst of these holidays/holy days is to be careful. To be full of care. This is most certainly not a time to be frivolous, yet it is a time to nurture joy. How can we do both? By being full of care as we consider what is most important and what is not. Care for the earth, care for people everywhere, care for all the other living things. Care reflected in what we buy, what we waste, what we kill or destroy in the process, what we consume at the expense of others. What gifts can we give, when so many are in need of the basics – beginning with safety and shelter? Maybe this year, in this season we might begin to understand that joy is related to what we are willing and able to take care of, to give care to. In the beautiful darkness of these solstice days, with Christmas coming, may we give attention to what we care for and why, and move ourselves toward a loving carefulness.