Services This Month
Feb. 2 “Where I’m From: Reflections on Black History” Rev. Jill McAllister
Feb. 9 “What Do You Know?” Rev. Jill McAllister
Feb. 16 “When Comfort Zone Principles Don’t Apply” Blaise Ntakarutimana (Kevin Shimineza)
Feb. 23 Special Guest Peter Mayer – UU Singer / Songwriter
This Week at UUFC
Building Renovation Project Update, 2/9
Queerly Beloved, 2/9
LEGATO potluck, 2/12
Book Discussion, 2/10
New UUFC Communication Coordinator
Green Apple Award: Support Sustainability Learning in the Corvallis School District
Your UUFC Lawn Mowing Team Needs You!
Sensory Break Kits
UUFC Member Looking For a Place to Rent
Outreach Offering for February – NAACP
February RE Newsletter
Sharing Space at UUFC
Benefit the Fellowship by Linking Your Fred Meyer Card!
Plan Ahead
Justice Council Gathering, 2/16
Blaise Ntakarutimana at the Fellowship, 2/16
Bhakti Heart Kirtan, 3/7
Peter Mayer Returns to the Fellowship, 2/23
Freedom Fund Banquet, 2/22
“Thorns to Blossoms “- Lecture at the Corvallis Museum, 2/28
Preparing to Downsize, 3/5
Connect Up/Affinity Groups