We sponsored a tiny house!

Big hugs of gratitude to all those at Corvallis UU Fellowship who joined together to “adopt a home” at Hub City Village in Albany! We were able to collect everything needed for a home interior plus several extra things to add to the next home! Yay UU!!!!

The process of building this empowering community continues, so feel free to contact UUFC Member Joyce Marvel-Benoist at marvelbenoist@gmail.com if you’d like to participate in other ways. And if you’d like to see photos and information, check out creatinghousing.org. Big thanks for the support of the Secure Housing and Food Team at UU and dozens of members and friends!

Hub City Village is 27 long-term homes serving those without secure housing.
It includes collaborative community co-op, residential center, organic gardens, solar power, and ongoing support and education. Homes are close to finished, the peer support specialist is running interviews for applicants, and homes will be ready for occupancy by July! All types of volunteers will continue to be invited to support this beautiful model. The plan is to continue duplicating this model throughout the region.
This is love and justice in action!