“Air, Breath, Music!” 5/19/2024

In many ancient descriptions of the seasons, when calling the four directions, East is associated with Spring, and Spring is the direction of morning, of beginnings, and of Air. To be alive is to know Air, is to be breathing: to be human is to be aware of being breathed. This fundamental truth is a grounding source of gratitude. Breathing is also the source of singing, which is one of the ways we let Air move through us, and one of the ways we give voice to our gratitude.

Our service this morning gives thanks for Air, for breath, and for the music which lives in us and through us. We’ll also give thanks for our choir as they share several new and old pieces of music. Come join us as we open ourselves to the movements of Air, breath and music!

New members will be welcomed during the service, and following the service all members are encouraged, needed and invited to stay to participate in our Annual Meeting, beginning at 11:45 AM.