Sunday March 10, 2024 “Who Killed Caesar?” Jacob King

Our world is increasingly becoming despotic. War, violence, and oppression is rampant; and the human condition continues to justify denying others agency. It is fitting then during the ‘Ides of March’ to analyze how people of faith can respond during times of such ‘Caesarism.’ As Shakespearean wisdom states: “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.”

Jacob King (He/Him) is a UU Candidate for Ministry and longtime friend of the UUFC. He started his ministry journey five years ago after witnessing UU’s engaging in Social Justice activities. Jacob identifies as neurodivergent and bisexual. Jacob is married to his partner Karmen and lives in Albany NY with her, three cats, and a dog.

*A note on readings from last Sunday: folks have asked for information about the article mentioned in the sermon last week, a conversation between Rabbi Nathan DeGroot and Philospher/Theologian Bayo Akomlafe. Here is a link to the article: An Invitation to Shapeshift: A Talmudo-Poetic Conversation on Post-Activism with Báyò Akómoláfé