April will be Stewardship Season at the Fellowship. “Stewardship” is a word for the shared effort of nurturing and sustaining this amazing and needed UU congregation. It’s the time of year when we review our commitments and make new pledges of support – in terms of time, talent and treasure – for the next year. It’s a time for conversation, for sharing what the Fellowship means in our lives, for working together to improve the ways we work together! Several Town Halls are planned, with refreshments or supper and childcare provided: March 25 (for newest members), April 4 and April 11. Please plan now to attend at least one of these gatherings. The Pledge Drive will begin with a special Sunday service on April 7. The town halls will also include discussions of proposed bylaw changes (from the Board) at the Annual Meeting in May. All Fellowship members are responsible for helping to make those changes.