Live Holiday Trees for Sale 

For the second year, the UUFC Climate Action Team offers living trees to enjoy through the holiday season. Plant on your own or return it in early January to the Fellowship atrium and we’ll find a home for it to be planted.

We have 3 gallon Doug- firs for $20 and 5 gallon Redcedars for $30.

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), perhaps the most common tree in Oregon, is the most important conifer in the state because of its ecological and economic significance.

The Western redcedar (Thuja plicata)is often referred to as “the cornerstone of northwest coastal Indian culture.” Among the names given this tree were “tree of life” and “life giver,” and some tribes called themselves “People of the Cedar.” Groves of ancient cedars were symbols of power, and gathering places for organization, ceremonies, retreat, and contemplation.