Leadership Zoom Gathering May 30, and 2024-25 UUFC events calendar

To all leaders of teams, task forces, councils, committees, projects and events, and the Board, at the Fellowship. Thank-you for all you have done and are doing at the Fellowship this year! And, an invitation… We began the year with a leadership retreat, and it will be good to touch base now as the regular church year winds down, to give updates on so much that has emerged as we have been building new ways this year. Please plan to join us for a ZOOM meeting on Thursday, May 30, at 7 PM.


You have probably noticed that the Fellowship is quite busy these days and sometimes it’s a challenge to find space for your meeting or event. To help us plan for the next church year we’d like to get all the major 2024-25 Fellowship events on the calendar now — we’re aiming for by the end of May.

Can you please send a note to office@uucorvallis.org so that we can add events to the main list, begin to coordinate as needed, and get things on the calendar?
