Thanks to all who contributed to the UUFC Emergency Aid Fund on Giving Tuesday and after. It is not too late! We’ll keep the portal open through the weekend. UUFC members contributed over $900 to this fund which is used to help other members who are in dire need of assistance to make it through housing, utility, medical, auto, transportation and other short-term crises. You have made a difference. If you are interested in contributing to this fund, can go to the online collection basket – then in the white box in the middle of that page use the top option button to select “Give to Giving Tuesday.” You then enter your donation amount, whether the gift is recurring or one-time, and then choose debit/credit or ACH payment. Alternatively, you can mail a check to the UUFC (2945 NW Circle Blvd, Corvallis OR 97330) or drop a check in the Sunday collection basket. Please write “Giving Tuesday” on the memo line of all checks. Your gift can make a real difference in the lives of other UUFC members.