Faith Based Climate Action 9/30/23

Interior announces $40M in funding for orphaned oil wells on tribal lands

LA’s Largest-Ever Land Back an ‘Important Step’ in the Movement

Oregon awarded more than $58M to reduce extreme heat risks with trees

Biden uses executive power to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps

As Africa Loses Forest, Its Small Farmers Are Bringing Back Trees

80% More U.S. Wind Energy Potential This Decade From Tech Innovation 

EASA To Require 70% SAF Usage By 2050

Can EVs and solar save the world? The IEA thinks so 

Renewable energy boom may help us limit warming this century to 1.5 ̊C

Airlines Ready To Embrace Higher Sustainable Aviation Fuel Costs

Danone Institute North America Awards $250,000 to Five Teams to Advance Stronger and More Sustainable Food Systems

USGC corn program attains sustainability mark

Global use of oil could peak this decade: IEA

Indonesia’s largest floating solar plant to expand to 500 MW

Climate change and the shift to cleaner energy push Southeast Asia to finally start sharing power

Making Air Conditioning More Sustainable

Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act: The Act will (a) push us toward our goal of net zero emissions by 2050, (b) drive energy innovation, giving every American community access to affordable clean energy, (c) help low and middle income Americans afford this transition with a carbon cashback, and (d) keep Americans healthier and living longer by reducing air pollution. We need as many co-sponsors as possible to show support for a carbon fee and dividend. Email your House Representative 

Nature Conservancy

Conservation funding: Tell Congress and the White House how much you care about our natural world. Tell them how critical it is to rely on science to guide conservation efforts. Tell them you’re counting on them to address urgent challenges like energy use, sustaining endangered landscapes, and protecting critically imperiled species. Protect our nation’s natural heritage and the health of people and our planet.  Speak out now

Stop the Money Pipeline

Fund clean energy, not fossil fuels. Banks, insurers and asset managers are driving the climate crisis by financing and insuring new fossil fuel projects. Send Wall Street CEOs a message 

Tue 10 Oct, 6:30 – 8:15 PM, Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave

How Landfills Pollute Our Future and What We Can do About It:  Landfills are silent sources of greenhouse gasses, groundwater pollution, and microplastics pollution. Beyond Toxics is hosting a community education event on the long term risks of landfill pollution and ways to make Oregon a leader in holistic waste management.  Katherine Blauvelt, the circular economy director of Industrious Labs, will speak about the climate change impacts from landfills, and Anja Brandon, director of US plastics policy at the Ocean Conservancy, will discuss microplastic pollution impacts on rivers and oceans.

Wed 18 Oct, 7:00 – 8:30 AM, online

Eco-municipality Webinar 2:  Virtually visit the eco-municipality of Karlskrona in the south of Sweden. Learn about the science-based framework of the Swedish network of ecomunicpalities, SEKOM, and the Karlskrona eco-municipality.  Register

Sat 28 Oct, Doors open 6:30 PM, UUFC

Live Music, Fundraiser for Maui fire relief. $20 donation at door suggested. Suz Doyle & Julie Williams with friends in concert, featuring Absolute Harmony.
