Good news is a powerful motivator for action, & there‘s lots of good news about climate mitigation, adaptation/resilience, and justice. .
Indigenous knowledge holders share thousands of observations on the changing Arctic in a new study

U.S. to restore more bison herds on tribal lands by tapping Indigenous knowledge
Including Native knowledge in climate science
WHO to host first global workshop on biodiversity, traditional knowledge, health and well-being
Maxeon is going to open a 3 GW solar factory in New Mexico
First Solar, the US’s largest solar panel maker, to spend $1.1B on its 5th factory
Mission Possible: Northeast Ohio business designs solution to wind industry’s turbine blade problem
Advanced transmission technologies help U.S. utilities update the power grid
Could Reuse Be the Future of Wine Packaging?
Microsoft Agrees To 14 Ton SAF Purchase With IAG
How This Luxury Hotel Brand Is Making On-Site Events More Sustainable
UK homes install ‘record number’ of solar panels and heat pumps
In effort to cut costs, remote Alaskan village turns to renewable energy
35-MW Menengai geothermal power plant, Kenya starts grid supply

There is no more important climate work than the influencing of legislation and policy, whether at the national, state, or local level. Climate Action Opportunities, refreshed weekly on Saturdays, provides three or four curated, quick opportunities to do just that.
To help assess the engagement of UUFC members and friends in faith-based climate action and to encourage such action, please anonymously <Share> the number of the actions below you take this week. Optionally, you may anonymously also share other recent climate action.
The organizations whose calls to action we amplify, and the number from each organization, are listed <here>
Sat 19 Aug
Carbon price and dividend. Pricing carbon will drive energy innovation, giving every American community access to abundant, affordable clean energy at a predictable price. Email your members of Congress
Protect and strengthen our forests, food and agricultural systems. The bipartisan Increased TSP Access Act (S.1400/H.R.3036) has been introduced in the Senate and the House with bipartisan support. The act will (a) help farmers, ranchers and forest-owners access critical conservation programs, (b) empower producers to put climate-smart programs into practice on their own land. Email your members of Congress
Keep pollution out of Hawai‘i’s coral reefs. We have long fought alongside the communities of Maui. Right now, we have an opportunity to support Maui residents in their decades-long effort to uphold the Clean Water Act. Since the 1980s, Maui County’s Lahaina Wastewater Reclamation Facility has discharged millions of gallons of treated sewage into groundwater every day that reaches the coral reef off Kahekili Beach, an area traditionally called Hāʻenanui. In 2012, Earthjustice and our partners sued the county under the Clean Water Act to hold Maui County accountable for its pollution. Now we can finally do something about it. Message the Hawai’i State Dept. Of Health
Of Note This Week is a source for current climate-change information at the local, state, and national levels. It is refreshed weekly on Saturday.
Article: Montana judge sides with youth in historic climate trial
The Conversation

Save the Date is your calendar of upcoming climate-related events and activities.
Thu 7 Sep, 4:00 – 5:30 PM, online
Inflation Reduction Act Resources to Help You Electrify Your Home
Interfaith Power and Light Webinar. Jamal Lewis, Director of Policy Partnerships and Equitable Electrification for Rewiring America, joins us for a conversation on electrification, what it looks like, and what federal resources are available to help you do it. Learn more about the incentives that will be available to help make your home healthier and more efficient. Register