Daily Practice – a Weekly Reminder

We enter into February, a month dedicated to love and to Black History, both of which are beautiful opportunities for daily practice. We enter into this particular February, in which both love and Black History are in danger, and at stake.

For Black History month, I begin by choosing two or three books to read, and I receive a daily lesson in Black history from an online newsletter called Anti-Racism Daily. For a month dedicated to love, I begin with a framework provided by Cornel West – his phrase that “Justice is what love looks like in public,” and I review my justice –related commitments and activities, aiming to help myself be accountable to my ideals, by reviewing and renewing those commitments, or making changes. These activities are closely related. I ask myself whether or not, and how, what I learn helps me change the way I live.

The religious life is not merely an intellectual exercise, not limited to discussion of religious, theological or political ideas. It is not simply a way to be with other people in a shallow or pseudo community. It is a daily practice of turning ever-more closely to living in right relations, which requires learning more about the truths of our own minds and thoughts, more about the truths of our relatedness to all others, more about the truths of how we are part of Life. It begins again each and every day, with awareness of the gifts of life and breath. It begins again each and every day as we undertake to learn one more thing than we know, which could move us closer to peace, to compassion, to justice. It begins every morning, as sunlight unfolds and spreads. As each day is given may we choose to be present, intentional and committed to learning and growing, that our lives may be a blessing.