Saturday, 4/20 at 1:00 PM in the Social Hall
Plant-based foods may be good for the planet, but they are also tasty and easy to prepare. Join members of the UUFC’s Climate Action Team to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Ernest Cardona — and celebrate upcoming Earth Day.
- Miso soup w/tofu
- Bruschetta with and without seaweed
- Black bean, corn, and tomato casserole with cheese and vegan options
- Gandules (pigeon peas) and rice
- Mushroom sauce on pasta
- Roasted plantains with coconut ice cream or sorbet
Childcare is available but must be requested by April 7.
Register by April 15 with Nick Houtman, nickhoutman8@aol.com or text to 541-829-3442 to reserve your place. We will cap registrations at 30.