Classrooms have been cleaned out and packed up and boxes are ready for moving. A stalwart crew has already moved furniture out of most rooms and removed doors from many rooms. The preschool’s furniture and supplies have been moved into the Social Hall and Kitchen, which we will share with them for the duration of the renovation project. Classrooms are no longer in use for meetings. The renovation project is underway!
And, what amazing timing! Last week the water heater on the mezzanine sprung a leak and had to be drained – replacing it will be worked into the project. And one of the heaters in the classroom wing broke. It seems to be time to work on everything!
Help is still needed and welcome, especially for Jan. 4 and Jan. 11, the two days on which we’ll be transferring boxes and furniture to home storage and commercial storage. If you can help, please sign up this Sunday.