Chalice Circle Sampler Series Canceled for March

Thank you so much for your interest in participating in the Chalice Circle Sampler Series. Unfortunately there were not enough people who signed up for this offering in March, so we will need to cancel. That said, we’d like to offer you a few options:

1) Shikha is willing to meet with you after this Sunday’s service and help you find an existing chalice circle to join. There are several in person as well as Zoom chalice groups that would welcome new members, all offered at different days and times. She’s also open to answering any questions you may have about chalice circles in general or these in particular. IF you’d like to meet, please send her an email ( so she knows to expect you. Please plan on gathering in the back of the Sanctuary after service.

2) The Sampler Series will be offered this Fall, sometime between September-November. Please look for more info in the Weekly Announcements starting in August! And… get others to join in the fun! We usually offer multiple days and times to choose from. If you have preferences for certain days or times, feel free to influence our choices. 🙂

3) We’d be happy to facilitate a Sampler Series at another time if you can find enough people to participate. Everyone must be willing to commit to 4 sessions that meet weekly or bi-weekly and at a time that one of us is available to facilitate.

Sorry this won’t work out this Spring. It’s difficult to get enough people to commit to being able to add this to their schedules. We hope that you persist in this endeavor- it’s well worth it!


Shikha Ghosh Gottfried and Nancy Sowdon