Emma’s Revolution UUFC Concert, 9/21

UU Singer/ Songwriters Sandy O and Pat Humphries are returning to the Fellowship for an evening of both new and beloved songs about justice, compassion and right relations. Sandy and Pat are favorites of many UU congregations and General Assemblies.

Tickets are $18 in advance and $22 at the door. Please join us, and invite your friends!


Neighborhood Planters Kiosk Installed

The UUFC Climate Action Team encourages gardening to provide local food, shade, and carbon sequestration. Information on local gardening, food, and community will appear in the new Neighborhood Planters Kiosk next to the Circle Blvd sidewalk area shared with the Sangha Jewel Zen Center. The colorful kiosks are a collaborative project of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Food Action Team, Benton County Master Gardeners, Corvallis Evening Gardening Club, and City of Corvallis Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry group and are provided at no cost. The info will be changed on a mostly weekly basis by the Climate Action Team.

(Photo: Dianne Roth viewing info in the kiosk window)


Join UU friends for an afternoon at Springhill Cellars Winery on Sunday September 8, 2024.

We will leave from the UU parking lot at 11:45 for the 20-minute drive out to 2920 NW Scenic Drive in North Albany (take Hwy 20 toward Albany, look for Scenic Drive after you pass Hyak Park). We typically stay a couple hours.

Bring finger food to share with the group (if you bring food that requires cutting or scooping, then bring necessary utensils). Heather will provide paper plates and napkins. You might also want to bring water.

Those with the Visit Corvallis WINE PASSPORT, you will have a free tasting flight.
It’s a fun, relaxed way to get to know some UU’s better. Hope you can join us.

Please contact Heather if you’d like to attend.

UUFC Lawn Mowing Team Goes Total Electric

The UUFC has owned a gas-powered Dixon riding zero-turn lawn mower for 10+ years. After limited use the last several years and mowing team concurrence, the mower was sold at the Aug 31 UUFC parking lot sale and found a new loving home. The buyer had driven a Dixon as a youngster and added it to his mower fleet with begrudging support from his wife. Your UUFC mowing team is now totally electric!

We are also short on mowers. Team member Lynn Evans is moving to Kansas to be with family (thanks Lynn!) and so his backyard mowing slot is open. If anyone is looking for a way to support the UUFC and get some exercise at the same time, please contact Russ Karow, Mowing Team Lead.

Contact Russ Karow

Gutter Guard Installation Help Wanted !

Wolfgang Dengler is looking for 2 people to work for 2 hours sometime this next week, moving 8 foot and 10 foot ladders for the. installation of gutter guard around the perimeter of the Fellowship roof.

Flexible scheduling, but need to avoid heat and direct sun.

If interested, please Contact Wolfgang

Corvallis School District Family Support

Did you know that the latest Point in Time count data shows Oregon is leading the nation in the rate of unsheltered unaccompanied homeless youth and unsheltered homeless families and that Corvallis has over 300 students (not counting children under the age of 4) identified as homeless?

This year the Secure Housing and Food for All (SH&F4A) justice team is focusing on helping the children and families in Corvallis by coordinating with the Corvallis School District Family Support Program. For September the funds gathered from the weekly collection basket will go to CSD Family Support program. The Family Support Program helps families meet their basic needs and identify goals to increase stability.

Each week we will be collecting items needed by the children. New and gently used shoes, winter coats, and rain gear.

Please join us by sharing items that will help the kids.

Register Now – UUFC Men’s Retreat, 10/25-27

Registration is now open for the 20th Annual UUFC Men’s Retreat, from Friday, October 25 (5 PM) through Sunday, October 27 (1 PM).

This is an opportunity for those who identify as men to get to know other men at UUFC, give yourself a respite from the daily routines, and enjoy time for personal reflection. We’ll be at the Menucha Retreat Center overlooking the Columbia Gorge in Corbett. Through large and small groups, singing, time in nature, and play time in the evening, we’ll connect with one another and get to know each other better.

Our theme this year is: “Building Authentic Connections”

For questions, the contact planning committee members:

Alan Kirk, Nick Houtman, Jeff Martin, or JF Benoist

Contact Us

UUFC Choir Resumes — Join Us! 9/4

Choir rehearsals begin again on Sept. 4th. Our choir meets once a week (Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:00) to prepare music which enhances our Sunday services throughout the year. We embrace a wide range of music from this wide web of life, — as old as the 1300s and as recently composed as this year and many things in between. If you or someone you know would like to join a group of singers searching for beauty and wisdom in life through music, join us! ALL are welcome in the UUFC choir.

Happy Practicing and I hope to see you Sept. 4th or any subsequent Wednesday at 7:00PM.

Steven Evans-Renteria, Choir Leader