November Sunday Services (2023)

November 5 – Interdependence – with Rev. Jill McAllister

(*Reminder Daylight Savings Ends Nov. 5, so fall back an hour!)

November 12 – Tending our Grief – with Rev. Jill McAllister and Susan Sanford

November 19 – Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 26 – “Disguised As Our Life” Reflections on god and thanksgiving, with Revs. Monica Jacobson Tennessen and Jill McAllister

December Services and Activities

UU Advent Daily Email, December 1 – 24. Register at

Fail Fest December 15

Wheel of the Year – Yule Sunday Service, December 17

Winter Solstice Vesper Service Thursday, December 21 at 7 PM

Holiday Sing-Along Friday, December 22. Christmas Carols and UU winter songs, for all ages

Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24, 10 AM Sunday service and 5:30 PM Candlelight Service

Post-Holiday Parents Break Activities for children, December 28 1-4 PM

New Year’s Eve 10 AM Sunday Service, Dec. 31. Any ideas for a later-in-the-day gathering?

Upcoming Services

October 22 – “God Is Not One, Neither are We” with Rev. Jill McAllister. One of the unique characteristics of our religious movement is pluralism – the willingness to be different and be together at the same time.

October 29 – Wheel of the Year – All Ages – Samhain / Halloween, followed by Trick or Treat tables hosted by Fellowship Councils and teams, offering ways to get more involved in the life and work of the Fellowship.

November 5 – Interdependence – with Rev. Jill McAllister

November 12 – Tending our Grief – with Rev. Jill McAllister and Susan Sanford