“A Season of Generosity” 12/10/2023

There are plenty of ads, jingles, mailings, and conversations encouraging us to give at this time of year. But how is the giving of gifts related to generosity of spirit, a generous open heart and open mind, a generous respect for the basic needs of all? Perhaps instead of focusing on giving we should be contemplating deep and broad generosity, beginning with this season.

with Rev. Jill McAllister

“In Need of Awe” 12/3/2023

Without being aware of it, most of the time, we are deeply in need of experiences of awe to maintain our humanity. Experiences of awe are moments in which we understand how we are part of Life which is so much more than our ideas or our unique experiences. 

Rev. Jill McAllister

“Disguised as our Life” 11/26/2023

As Unitarian Universalists, one of our primary “texts” for theological understanding is lived experience. In other words, we agree with Paula D’arcy’s insight that “God (or Meaning) comes to us disguised as our life.” From deeper questions about the history of Thanksgiving Day, and of indigenous ways of noticing how we are related, we’ll consider practices of observation that can help us search for meaning and sustain us. 

Revs. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen and Jill McAllister