Men’s Retreat: Save the Date!

The dates of the retreat in 2024 are October 25-27, at Menucha again due to popular demand. Mark your calendars and spread the word. 

The annual UUFC Men’s Retreat – Recap

In its first off-site meeting since the pandemic, 22 UUFC men met at the Menucha Conference Center Nov. 3-5 to share stories and deep feelings about their lives. Through the lens of engagement, attendees spoke of connecting and disconnecting with others and the lifelong events that had impact on those choices. We met in small and large groups, sang songs, shared our own music and poetry, and spent time in the beautiful Columbia Gorge consolidating our insights and emotions. The UUFC men’s group welcomes all who identify as men and continues to meet weekly, in person at noon on the first Sunday of each month and via Zoom on other Sundays. Contact Jerry Buthmann for details.

Men’s Retreat 2023

Registration Closed (contact Lloyd for more information).

The 19th Annual UUFC Men’s Retreat will be held this year from 5 PM Friday, November 3 through 1 PM Sunday, November 5.  This renewed annual event provides an opportunity for those who identify as men to develop and deepen relationships with other men associated with the UUFC Fellowship. It also provides a respite from our hectic lives, time for individual reflection, and an opportunity to learn and grow. We’ll meet at the Menucha Retreat Center overlooking the Columbia Gorge in Corbett ( Through large and small groups, singing, solo time in nature, and play time in the evening, we’ll connect in deep and meaningful ways.  

Our theme this year is: Engagement: An exploration of how we connect and disconnect in our lives. We will explore how the cultural influences of the digital age, including email, social media and smart phones, while providing new connection opportunities can also pull us away from being attuned with ourselves, our families, and our communities. We will also delve into our histories, including our traumas and patterns of behavior, to better understand ourselves and our relationships, and to help clarify our values and commitments moving forward.

We’ll share more information in coming weeks. Attendance will be capped at 36, and we usually fill up, so register as early as you can. We hope to see you there.  

Men’s Retreat 2022

The theme will be “Belonging.” It will focus on our feelings of belonging, especially in this pandemic and politically fractious time. Where and to whom do we belong? What does that mean as we age, change employers, or move our home from one community to another? How have our increasingly diverse gender, sexual, ethnic, racial, and political identities affected our sense of belonging? When have we felt excluded from groups or organizations, and when have we excluded others? How do we build a community together where we feel like we belong? We will of course adhere to all COVID protocols in place at the time to provide a very low-risk experience. Please mark your calendars, and pass this notice along to friends and especially any newer members whose primary identity is as a male.