Justice Outreach for March

This month our Sunday Justice Outreach collections will support the work of the UUFC Democracy Action team, as they begin a new and more important than ever season of writing letters to encourage voting in swing states. The Democracy Action Team works with a national non-profit call Vote Forward. In the last cycle, Fellowship volunteers wrote and sent more than 20,000 letters. Stamps are more expensive now – our support with help.

Justice Outreach for February


Our outreach offerings in February will support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and transitional housing, plus wrap around services for people who are without safe housing or shelter. Unity Shelter’s mission is to provide safe shelter through collaborative care.


Our December Justice Outreach offerings are supporting the Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN), an organization working towards, “Every Family Deserves to be Heard and Understood.”

OFSN works with families to promote mental, behavioral and emotional wellness through education, support, and advocacy. Learn more about their work here.

Donations can be made in person on Sundays, by text, or on the UUFC website, uucorvallis.org/donate

Text donation

Example: text “$10 monthly” to give $10 to this month’s Social Concerns recipient, OFSN.