Board Report, 1/16/2024

The UUFC Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting on January 16th via Zoom following the amazing ice storm from the previous weekend. Discussions focused on three main topics:
1) Planning for our upcoming Board Retreat on February 23-24, when we’ll participate in training together, work on current goals, and generally get to know each other better to facilitate our work;
2) Disaster Response Evacuation Plan – training for leaders is scheduled for February 10th, and the Board approved a request for the associated purchase of emergency supplies/materials for our buildings;
3) Green Sanctuary Status – the Climate Action Team is planning to re-engage that UUA process since our status has expired;
4) We adjusted the current (2023-24) Fellowship budget based on new, mid-year information and year-end giving, ensuring that the Fellowship remains in a strong financial position for the second half of the year; and
5) The Committee on Ministry is fully staffed to support Jill’s ministry to us and our ministry to each other – shared ministry – a topic that will form a core part of the upcoming retreat and church year. Committee on Ministry members are: Mark Aron, Gary Barnes, Nancy Kyle, Virgil Agnew, Alice Lyman.