At our November 2023 meeting, the UUFC Board of Directors reviewed Fellowship finances, as always. Also discussed were proposed policies for managing the Reserves Fund and the Endowment Fund. The Financial Oversight Council is reviewing all of our investments, and re-organizing the way we report both financial trends and current status.
We are discussing ways to make the Committee on Ministry more visible and sustainable, including possibly adding it to the bylaws. The Committee on Ministry is responsible for supporting the minister(s) and evaluating shared ministry at the Fellowship.
We received a report on the Building Enhancement Project, which is progressing toward the planned renovation of the classroom wing. A very preliminary estimate of the costs of the work came in high – which was not unexpected due to the much greater scope of needed renovations than previously understood (especially to make the buildings safe in case of earthquake). Conversations with the builders are ongoing to finalize the details of the work and arrive at the Maximum Estimated Cost. The project is tentatively scheduled to begin in May 2024.
Minutes of Board meetings are posted at uucorvallis.org/archives/Board minutes.
from Board member Jema Patterson