Festival of Resistance, 1/20

Mid-Valley Solidarity Coalition

Festival of Resistance

Rise, Resist, Love, Create

People’s Inauguration for Social Justice

Come to explore how we build community and find common ground across multiple social justice issues. What does rise, resist, love, and create mean to you in democracy?

Save the Date!

Monday, January 20th

Westminster House 101 NW 23rd Corvallis, 11 AM – 5 PM

UUFC became a member of Mid Valley Solidarity Coalition when it began soon after the 2017 Inauguration. It’s essential that we grow local community connections going forward into 2025. This is not just information. You and your input are needed, your thinking and experience, on how to respond, protect and thrive this year.

Thanks, Karen Josephson Democracy Action Team


Email stearns_cm@yahoo.com

“Janus: Looking Back and Ahead ” 1/12/25

One the Roman calendar, the foundation for the Gregorian calendar we now use, every January was a crossroads between past and future – the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. The month is named for Janus, the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. (Wow – that’s a lot of responsibility!) The Fellowship is at a crossroads in this January; to begin with, with the rest of the country (and much of the world) we’re about see what new government leadership will mean for our lives. And we’re renewing part of our building in preparation for…. the future! Some of this will be hard, some of it will be nourishing. All of it will be change. What tools, practices and skills do we already have for navigating these changes, and what do we need to learn?

Magic Flute in the Social Hall and Kitchen

The pre-school has moved into the Social Hall and Kitchen on weekdays. 7:30 AM – 5 PM. They also use the foyer for coming and going.

So far, they’re feeling comfortable about how the space works for their program. And together we are still figuring out some of the details. One big detail for us to be aware of: Fellowship groups do not have access to the kitchen on weekdays or evenings, EXCEPT for Fellowship events that make reservations to use the Social Hall and Kitchen on weeknights. For those events, moving of furniture and kitchen equipment is needed on both ends of the event, and that requires orientation and communication. Again, during this temporary change in building use, Fellowship events do not have access to the kitchen except by reservation and with orientation. Thanks for your help with this! Some permits are still under review for the work in the classroom wing, however work will begin on January 13, starting with asbestos abatement.

Daily Practice – A Weekly Reminder

In these winter days, which seem filled with catastrophes, there are also invitations. The invitations can be subtle, often silent, mostly missed while we’re hoping for something else. (That’s the thing to be aware of – we’re almost always hoping for something else.) Some of the invitations are always present: the invitation into silence, the invitation to trust, the invitation to be faithful, the invitation to live by generosity. Though always present, these invitations are particularly poignant in these hard days, it seems to me.

Some invitations are more particular to this season: the invitations of darkness and rest and remembering the gifts of cold and rain. The invitation to learn the lessons of fog and to hear messages in the calls of owls and the encouraging honking of geese. And what is an invitation? Maybe it’s a kind of greeting, sometimes a beckoning, like the slight opening of a door with some light shining through. An invitation can be a small voice speaking from your own understanding – from your own ideals, from a conviction you haven’t forgotten – not shouting (usually not), not criticizing, mostly trying to be kind.

The thing is, we’re always hoping for invitations, wishing to receive them, imagining the joy of an unexpected offer to join, to be seen, to be needed, or simply to come a little farther. And yet we miss so many that are present and calling, day after day.

Today, perhaps we can help ourselves by taking time to be quiet enough to imagine, and perhaps begin to hear, the voices of kindness and courage within us. Maybe we can close our eyes and relax into our breathing and begin to be aware of doors that are ready to be considered, possibly half-opened already, inviting us into places the world needs us to go.

1st Quarter Birthday Celebration, 1/12

We’re celebrating all who have birthdays in January, February, and March birthdays after the service on January 12. Join us in the Social Hall for cake or gluten-free desserts. All are welcome! And, all are invited to celebrate your birthday by joining the UUFC Birthday Club with a donation of one dollar for each of your years.

When you donate, be sure to click on the arrow to choose the fund “Birthday Club.”

Outreach Offering for January

We Care is a local coalition of faith communities, businesses, foundations and other non-profit organizations which provides emergency assistance for Benton County residents. Each week, We Care helps people pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent evictions and homelessness or the shut-off of water or electricity. The Fellowship has long been a supporting partner.

LEGATO potluck, 1/8

Join the choir and band for a meal of laughter, goodwill and perhaps song! Love is the power that holds us together. Let’s share that feeling over a meal. Our debut LEGATO potluck is Wednesday January 8 at 5:00. Come a little early if you can help set up tables. Bring a dish to share (please identify all ingredients). We will navigate sharing the social hall with Magic Flute daycare. Clean up is at 6:30. Choir practice is at 7:00.

This is a Connect Up Event with the purpose of building community within the UUFC congregation.

Singing Together on the Eve of Change, 1/19

Come join Audrey Perkins, Mark Weiss and Cliff and Chere Pereira for an hour of singing together starting at 7 PM on Sunday, January 19th, the eve of inauguration day.

We will share familiar and not-so-familiar songs of resilience, justice and peace. Come feel the energy and comfort that comes from joining together in song. Some lyrics will be provided. Knowing that there lots of winter germs around, masks are welcome, although they are not required.

Masks will be available for those that need one.

Daily Practice – A Weekly Reminder

I wrote this piece two years ago, at this exact time of year. It is helpful to me to re-read it. May it be helpful to you as well, in these early days of January 2025.

Years ago, I always started the morning listening to news. It seemed then the most prudent thing to do –- to know what was happening. It helped me feel secure in some way, and smart, and capable, as if it was a necessity for navigating the world, and for being recognized as an adult. Somewhere along the way, I stopped listening – I don’t remember exactly when or why. In some way I realized that “the news” was always the same – it was a very very small representation of what humans were doing from day to day. It was never the whole story.

Slowly I came to understand that there is news beyond the news – news before the news – that is much more important for me. It is the daily recognition of being alive and of being part of an infinite web of life. It is the daily presence of awareness, and an awareness of presence, which coincide with gratitude.

The news of the day in early January often begins with this: the tops of the hills are appearing and disappearing as clouds and fog slowly drift. There is a pink tinge above and suddenly a huge flock of geese in several interchanging “V”s moving across. Small patches of blue sky, and the bare branches of trees in clear and intricate detail. The tops of the hills appear again and both gold and pink light emerge in the fog around them. The air is cold and clean and heavily moist. It is within me and around me, in constant life-giving motion. I am breathing, being breathed, and amazed again to be both here and now.

Thomas Merton once wrote “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.” Embrace is the appropriate word for me this morning – and there is too much for my small embrace, but I open my arms wide nonetheless. With courage, faith and hope comes joy. And that’s more than enough news.