Website Update Coming — Feedback Needed!

Over the next few weeks we will be gathering feedback on the website for an update planned at the end of May. Start thinking about your experience using our website. What do you like, and what changes can you imagine? Every suggestion is valuable information. If you are new to the Fellowship, we would especially love to hear from you.

A survey will come out in the next couple of weeks, so please start gathering your thoughts!

Justice Theatre: Major Barbara Performances, 3/28-3/29

Ticket reservations are open for this year’s Justice Theatre staged reading of George Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara on Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. This Victorian-era play is as witty as it is timely, and it will make you laugh and wince by turns. Come out and enjoy some theatre that will make you think while supporting a good cause—this year’s proceeds will go to support the work of local nonprofit Vina Moses Center.

Tickets available. Pay what you can.

Join the Greeter Team

We are ready – every Sunday – on a rotating basis to be at our best, to show up on the Side of Love and to meet people where they are. Come out of your shell and join this team of uplifting and welcoming people.

Speak to anyone at the Greeters’ desk for more information.

Growing the Partner Church Team

The UUFC Partner Church team promotes international understanding, social justice, global ethics, and liberal religion through partner church relationships. To find out more and to join our growing team, please contact Heather E. via this email link. “In 1995, I bought a bumper sticker for my new car that said, “Visualize Whirled Peas.” It hit a chord with me on many levels – it was funny, I am a home economist, and it aligned with a more profound meaning.
It usually takes an event to spur one into action, to want to try to help this troubled world. I want to finally do something to help others and be a positive influence in the world – even if my efforts seem small.

This is how it begins, doesn’t it? By my being willing to send a message out into the universe? Will there ever be a moment when YOU will step forward and join others who want to help make our world a better place – or will you just visualize a blender of whirled peas?” – Heather E.

Queerly Beloved Meeting, 3/9

Queerly Beloved Meetup

Sunday, March 9th, 4 PM – 6 PM in the UUFC Social Hall

This month, we will have a combination hour. The first hour we will play some icebreaker get-to-know you games as we do puzzles. You are invited to bring your knitting if you have a project! The second hour we will listen to some queer comedians and discuss our responses to the themes they bring up! If you want to submit a video clip for the queer comedy watch party, contact the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Team!


Queerly Beloved meets every Second Sunday! (note the temporary change!) Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand the importance of queer community, and our goal is to provide a safe space where people can find that sense of belonging right here in Corvallis.

If you need childcare for smaller children, please contact the Grandfolks Squad.

June Pride Party – Planning & Volunteering

Help the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Team throw a June Pride party at the UUFC!

If you have ideas for activities at our annual Queer Pride Party, let us know!

We are looking for volunteers now who want to take on one of these areas:

– Coordinate food and drinks

– Coordinate decorations

– Set up and tear down the day of the party

– Music

– Lead a game or activity!

Interested? Contact the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Team.

UUFC Justice Renewal, 4/5

UUFC justice teams, and all others who are interested, will gather on Saturday, April 5, to hear from community partners and share ideas in an event we are calling a Justice Renewal. We all face growing threats from several directions: an authoritarian federal government, homelessness, and climate change. In support of our Unitarian Universalist values, we will learn what our partners are focusing on now, priorities, and share our justice teams’ activities so we can develop strategies for increasing our impact.  A light breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30 AM (GF and vegan options available.)  We’ll finish up in time for all who plan to go to the “Hands Off” rally at noon.

If you would like to participate beginning with breakfast at 8:30 AM please email by March 29.

Microshelters Film and Panel Discussion, 2/27

February 27 at 6:30 Corvallis Library

The Secure Housing and Food For All team invites you to Corvallis Microshelters: Film Showing & Panel Discussion The evening will begin with “No Place to Grow Old”, a film produced by Michael Larson of, followed by a panel discussion featuring Rev. Jen Butler and Shawn Collins, Unity Shelter; Rev. David Marshall, Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan; and Pastor Heather Seman, Sara Power, and Corinne Butzin, First United Methodist Church. Their focus will be on how local churches are currently providing services to microshelter residents, and what other Corvallis faith congregations can do to support our community’s most vulnerable residents. Thursday, February 27 (6:30 – 8:00 pm) at Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis

Monthly Vegan Potluck, 2/23

Social Hall, Kitchen: 5:30 pm Monthly Vegan Potluck – Everyone Welcome! Bring a dish to share with others who are learning to eat in a healthy, climate friendly way. Include Plants: grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs & spices. Exclude: flesh, fluids, and unborn young. Try it! You’ll like it!! Need more info? call Ann Marchant