Weeklies for OOS


  • Services This Month

    August 4 – Wheel of the Year – Lughnasadh / First Harvest

    August 11 – “Making the Invisible Visible” EDI team with ARC of Benton County

    August 18 – “A Larger View” Rev. Jill McAllister

    August 25 – “Can We Be Prepared?” Rev. Jill McAllister

    September 2 – No Sunday Service


This Week at UUFC

  • No Sunday Service, 9/1
  • UUFC Choir Resumes — Join Us! 9/4
  • New Wood Chips for the RE Playground – Can You Help?
  • Pop-Up Parking Lot Rummage Sale, 8/31
  • Downsizing & Simplifying, 9/4
  • Tuna Roast & Picnic, 9/2


  • Justice Outreach Offerings for September – Corvallis School District Family Support
  • Neurodivergence & Mental Health Support Group
  • Oregon Clean Power Cooperative Offers OSU College of Forestry Investment Opportunity
  • Bread Bag Exchange
  • UUFC Birthday Club
  • UUFC Merch Store
  • Share Your Produce
  • Pema Chodron Study Group
  • Consider Becoming a Grandfolk!
  • Chalice Circle Sampler Series This September

Plan Ahead

  • Register Now – UUFC Men’s Retreat, 10/25-27
  • Favorite Singer / Songwriters Return to UUFC – Two Great Concerts 9/21 and 10/13
  • Partner Church Minister Visit – .Join in! 9/20-9/30
  • Grief Tending Circle, 9/16
  • Save the Date: 2024 Women’s Retreat
  • Family Pool Party, 9/29
  • Crafters & Artists Wanted for Holiday Fair, 12/7
  • Less is More Class, 10/1
  • Oregon UU Voices for Justice – Annual Meeting, 10/5

Connect Up/Affinity Groups
