We’re trying out a new online version of the weekly announcements here at uucorvallis.org/news. It contains all the same information as the pdf version of the Weekly Announcements that is emailed to you, but in a little different format. This page also includes easy links to the latest information about everything that’s going on at the Fellowship here in one place.
Here are a few things to note:
- Under each announcement headline is a short excerpt with link that takes you to the full text.
- Like the pdf version, the announcements aren’t in any particular order, expect for that we’ve curated a few of them to appear at the top.
- To see announcements from of a specific type, click on one of the tabs on the left. Each tab will have the latest announcements, as well past info. The newest info will still appear under Weekly Announcements, so if you only read the main weekly announcements tab, you should still be up to date.
- To see past announcements from previous weeks, you will no longer have to search through your emails. Just click on the button that says “past announcements” at the bottom of the list. It will only show past announcements that have appeared here — not weekly announcements from years past, sorry.
- If you want to see a pdf version, you should still be getting it in your email. You can also still find all the Weekly Announcements Archives in the filing cabinet.
In the spirit of the theme for this year, “Building a new Way,” we are working on building new ways of communication to help everyone stay connected.
If you have questions, comments, or ideas about this format for the weekly announcements, or about the website, please email David Servias.